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(for a project in which I was supposed to describe my existential self or who I am in an existential manner or some convoluted thing like that. i sort of preferred not to answer the question)


You’d ask me who I am, and how I’d know.

You’d ask me what material weaves my soul?

There are few depths and lengths to which I’d go;

My mind is not tame yard or shallow shoal.

My lock is not a keyed and open door

For any man to rest his curious eyes.

My stock is not new made in earthly forge;

I am no weapon when the battle flies.

My barrel is not straight and gleaming bright.

I hold myself against no poor man’s head.

Shuttle and loom are my weapons, my pride.

You pierce my peace with loaded balls of lead.

In time, and without deadly mortal tools,

I may discover this, the quest of fools.

She was a virtuoso in her brazen composure

Suspicious, the tilt of her head as she bent over the missal
So visible, so vividly volatile

Like a breath of steam straining to be foam

Like sea-foam spray craving to rush

To rush and cry over the very rocks, mired in their steadfast prayers

Wary of watching eyes, she became a sculpture

The lines of her back fluid and clear

Her profile focused, her outline intense

Skimming inquiry through a blurring lens

The wind will soon blow her away.

Sketch: Words


Wander ‘cross the page

Pretty little mage

Shining little wizard word

Curt in frame and age.

Sing a tinkling song

Frolicking along

Put a smile on my face

Though your spelling’s wrong.




Sketch: Fence


Border me, golden field

Swallow me, whipping wheat

Beat me bare, batting breezes

Crack me dry, summer heat

Paint in chips under sunny

Summer skies, arching blue

Over skipping children’s laughter

They play the fence, too.




My Room 3/17


Who am I? My soul’s in piles.

A jumbled mess, a sloppy kiss,

Like rumpled blouses on the floor,

Pick ‘em up and find some more-

More socks, more books and wandering pens,

Who knows? What’s lying in wait

Is best left, my mind’s too far

Up high, down low, no care for tangles.

The dust crowding like scattered spangles

Makes no mark on smiles nor pouts.

The floor hidden ‘neath distant shouts

Is only ground. I see a soul.

Pressing the cool tiles

Fingers break the ivory geometry

Graying lines, blocked and defiled

By a damp human intrusion


Eyes tight with thought

The heat stings my back

Leaning on knuckles in knots

I still, and watch my skin age.

