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I know it’s been a while…here’s a poem I wrote a couple nights ago when I found myself unable to sleep.

I cannot conceal the righteous rhythms,
The tempered resonance of the night.
My mind’s at crossroads, and my eyes-
Tracing the pillow’s embroidery,
Minute and directionless.

On a different note: I plan to start a new blog. Just for things I like: philosophy, fashion, thoughts on life, music, and whatever comes to mind.

Untitled (from Word Perhect)

tell me what I need to know
to get you back in real world time
a magic wand doesn’t do shit
hep me find the heart of it and crush the problem with a duled knife

sing the blues but do it alone
watch out for garden gnomes and keep singing
tel me what I need to know
to get you back to real world me
wasting away you’re full of it
help me find the stomach and crush the life with a sharp knife

His hand moves, stealthy and light,

The smoothing tread of his fingers pressing,


Disembodied and far, his eyes wander,

Widening, scanning the scene.

And still his hand moves, inching, creeping,

The black apparatus warming beneath it.

Her face leaps into focus,

Clarity restored to the world.

Funneled behind the little lens,

A trick of perfection.
“Don’t move.” The careful hand withdraws;

He holds his breath, shifts his grip, waits, his heart beats, “this is perfect” he thinks, “this is it” but it is all a shadow of time and really what happens is he blinks and taps the button and the strobe huffs… 

She blinks and smiles, shifts her weight…

Sliding out of focus…

The hand comes back up…


Sketch: Words


Wander ‘cross the page

Pretty little mage

Shining little wizard word

Curt in frame and age.

Sing a tinkling song

Frolicking along

Put a smile on my face

Though your spelling’s wrong.




Sketch: Fence


Border me, golden field

Swallow me, whipping wheat

Beat me bare, batting breezes

Crack me dry, summer heat

Paint in chips under sunny

Summer skies, arching blue

Over skipping children’s laughter

They play the fence, too.




My Room 3/17


Who am I? My soul’s in piles.

A jumbled mess, a sloppy kiss,

Like rumpled blouses on the floor,

Pick ‘em up and find some more-

More socks, more books and wandering pens,

Who knows? What’s lying in wait

Is best left, my mind’s too far

Up high, down low, no care for tangles.

The dust crowding like scattered spangles

Makes no mark on smiles nor pouts.

The floor hidden ‘neath distant shouts

Is only ground. I see a soul.

Pressing the cool tiles

Fingers break the ivory geometry

Graying lines, blocked and defiled

By a damp human intrusion


Eyes tight with thought

The heat stings my back

Leaning on knuckles in knots

I still, and watch my skin age.

